版本 Development Kit 的用户,如果您安装的是2.1.1
版本的 Development Kit ,请点击 »>传送门«<。您可以在 “开始菜单 - SR Research - SR Version” 中查看eyelink_core.dll
的版本来确定您的 Development Kit 版本。
1. 讲解
elConnect 脚本的位置在实验的指导语之后,elCameraSetup之前。
通过本脚本的代码,使 E-Prime 与 Eyelink 主试机相连接。
下文会将 elConnect 脚本拆解成多个部分进行分段讲解。
1.1 请求 .edf 文件名
Dim edfFileName As String '定义一个名为edfFileName的字符型变量
Mouse.ShowCursor True '显示鼠标
edfFileName = AskBox("Please enter an EDF file name" , "Test.edf")
'提示内容是"Please enter an EDF file name"
'将输入的内容赋值给 edfFileName
'若没有输入任何内容,则对 edfFileName 赋值为 "Test.edf"
If len(edfFileName) = 0 Then edfFileName = "Test.edf"
End If
Mouse.ShowCursor False
Debug.Print "mouse is visible? " &Mouse.IsCursorVisible()
1.2 设置 CameraSetup 相关参数
'设置 CameraSetup 过程中的相关参数
'包括 Calibrate 、 Validate 和 DriftCorrection
'设置 CameraSetup 背景色为 "192,192,192" 灰色
cal_background = "192,192,192"
'设置 CameraSetup 背景色为 "0,0,0" 黑色
cal_foreground = "0,0,0"
cal_target_size=6 '设置校准点的外圈尺寸
cal_pen_width =4 '设置校准点的圆环宽度
'其内圈尺寸为 cal_target_size - cal_pen_width = 2
1.3 建立链接
'否则 E-Prime 与 Eyelink Host 的链接会出现超时
Dim nPriority As Integer
nPriority = GetOSThreadPriority()
SetOSThreadPriority 3
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
Set elutil = CreateObject("SREYELINK.EyeLinkUtil") '创建Eyelink链接
Set tracker = CreateObject("SREYELINK.EyeLink") '创建Eyelink对象
tracker.open "",0 '打开Eyelink链接
tracker.openDataFile edfFileName '主试机打开 .edf 文件
tracker.sendCommand "screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 " & Display.XRes & " " & Display.YRes
tracker.sendCommand "calibration_type = HV9" '设置校准点类型
tracker.sendMessage "DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 " & Display.XRes & " " & Display.YRes
'向 .edf 文件中写入被试机的分辨率信息
tracker.sendMessage "FRAMERATE " & Display.CalculatedRefreshRate
'向 .edf 文件中写入屏幕刷新率
1.4 根据主试机版本适配设置参数
'set parser saccade thresholds (conservative settings)
Dim trVerStr As String
Dim vindx As Integer
Dim trswVer As Integer
Dim eyelink_ver As Integer
eyelink_ver = tracker.getTrackerVersion()
trVerStr = tracker.getTrackerVersionString()
trVerStr = trim(trVerStr)
vindx =instr (1,trVerStr,"EYELINK CL")
If vindx >0 Then
trVerStr = Mid(trVerStr,len("EYELINK CL")+1)
trVerStr = trim(trVerStr)
trswVer = trVerStr
trswVer = 0
End If
If eyelink_ver>=2 Then
tracker.sendCommand "select_parser_configuration 0" ' 0 = standard sensitivity
If eyelink_ver = 2 Then 'turn off scenelink camera stuff
tracker.sendCommand "scene_camera_gazemap = NO"
End If
tracker.sendCommand "saccade_velocity_threshold = 35"
tracker.sendCommand "saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500"
End If
'set EDF file contents
tracker.sendCommand "file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON,INPUT"
If trswVer>=4 Then
tracker.sendCommand "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET,INPUT"
tracker.sendCommand "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,INPUT"
End If
'set link data (used for gaze cursor)
tracker.sendCommand "link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON,INPUT"
If trswVer>=4 Then
tracker.sendCommand "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET,INPUT"
tracker.sendCommand "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,INPUT"
End If
1.5 其他设置
'设置老式手柄反应盒的 5 号按钮可以用来接受 DriftCorrection
tracker.sendCommand "button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'"
SetOSThreadPriority nPriority
2. 全部源代码
Dim edfFileName As String
Mouse.ShowCursor True ' show mouse cursor
'ask edf file name
edfFileName = AskBox("Please enter an EDF file name" , "Test.edf")
If len(edfFileName) = 0 Then
edfFileName = "Test.edf"
End If
'hide the mouse cursor
Mouse.ShowCursor False
Debug.Print "mouse is visible? " &Mouse.IsCursorVisible()
cal_background = "192,192,192" ' set the background color for calibration/validation/driftcorrection screens
cal_foreground = "0,0,0" ' set the foreground color for calibration/validation/driftcorrection screens
cal_target_size=6 ' set calibration target size
cal_pen_width =4 ' set calibration pen width. The inner hole size = cal_target_size-cal_pen_width
Dim nPriority As Integer
nPriority = GetOSThreadPriority()
'Temporarily set the thread priority to a normal application
'otherwise you will get timed out when connect
SetOSThreadPriority 3
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
Set elutil = CreateObject("SREYELINK.EyeLinkUtil") 'get an instance of EyeLinkUtil
Set tracker = CreateObject("SREYELINK.EyeLink") ' get an instance of EyeLink object
tracker.open "",0 ' open the connection to the tracker
tracker.openDataFile edfFileName ' open edf file
tracker.sendCommand "screen_pixel_coords = 0 0 " & Display.XRes & " " & Display.YRes ' tell the tracker our resolution Display.YRes
tracker.sendCommand "calibration_type = HV9" ' Setup calibration type
tracker.sendMessage "DISPLAY_COORDS 0 0 " & Display.XRes & " " & Display.YRes ' Add resolution to EDF file
tracker.sendMessage "FRAMERATE " & Display.CalculatedRefreshRate ' report refresh rate
'set parser saccade thresholds (conservative settings)
Dim trVerStr As String
Dim vindx As Integer
Dim trswVer As Integer
Dim eyelink_ver As Integer
eyelink_ver = tracker.getTrackerVersion()
trVerStr = tracker.getTrackerVersionString()
trVerStr = trim(trVerStr)
vindx =instr (1,trVerStr,"EYELINK CL")
If vindx >0 Then
trVerStr = Mid(trVerStr,len("EYELINK CL")+1)
trVerStr = trim(trVerStr)
trswVer = trVerStr
trswVer = 0
End If
If eyelink_ver>=2 Then
tracker.sendCommand "select_parser_configuration 0" ' 0 = standard sensitivity
If eyelink_ver = 2 Then 'turn off scenelink camera stuff
tracker.sendCommand "scene_camera_gazemap = NO"
End If
tracker.sendCommand "saccade_velocity_threshold = 35"
tracker.sendCommand "saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500"
End If
'set EDF file contents
tracker.sendCommand "file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON,INPUT"
If trswVer>=4 Then
tracker.sendCommand "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,HTARGET,INPUT"
tracker.sendCommand "file_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS,INPUT"
End If
'set link data (used for gaze cursor)
tracker.sendCommand "link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON,INPUT"
If trswVer>=4 Then
tracker.sendCommand "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,HTARGET,INPUT"
tracker.sendCommand "link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS,INPUT"
End If
'Program button #5 for use in drift correction
tracker.sendCommand "button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'"
'Reset the thread priority back
SetOSThreadPriority nPriority